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Volunteer budget 2024

98,000 euros for volunteers

Volunteer budget 2024 - unbureaucratic, flexible and appreciative

The Free State of Saxony supports all volunteers in the Görlitz district in their work for the common good with a direct grant totaling 98,000 euros. An application phase takes place in spring and autumn to allocate the funds. A budget of 49,000 euros is available for both phases. Applicants can be voluntary individuals, initiatives or associations.

And this is how it works:
Support benefits of 200 euros and 500 euros can be applied for. You will receive the support amount of 200 euros quickly and easily after checking your details. A jury will decide on the awarding of the 500 euro amount and will evaluate your request. The result can be an approval of the requested 500 euros or a reduction to 200 euros. In general, if the application does not clearly indicate how the project to be supported benefits the public good in the Görlitz district, it may be rejected. The specific use of the funds requested must also be clearly visible.

How do you get the money?
After your application has been approved, you will receive a symbolic check for 200 euros or 500 euros. We ask that you provide a photo showing the check with its happy recipients. This photo must be submitted online using the link provided on the check. After we receive this photo suitable for publication, the amount will be transferred to you within 3-6 weeks.

How many applications can be submitted?
Each club or private individual can only submit one application this year. Multiple applications are not permitted. If multiple applications are submitted, only the first application will be processed. Applications that duplicate other applications in the name of the association, the name of the applicant or the project to be supported are considered multiple applications.

Which account details should you provide?
There are no restrictions here.
Please note that when using club accounts or municipal accounts, it can be difficult to assign incoming payments. Please indicate a clear intended use in your application so that the amount we transfer reaches you. If you specify a private account, you should make sure that the account holder is not a SGB II aid recipient.
The amount we transfer would then be counted as income and not available as additional financial support.
Funding of larger municipal projects
Municipalities in the Görlitz district can also have projects that promote cohesion in rural areas and are aimed at a broad target group funded within the framework of the citizens' budget. Grants of up to 5,000 euros are possible. Please check whether an application is possible:

To submit the application, the following mandatory information is required in the online form

Details of the applicant

→ Name of the association or citizens' initiative and first and last name of the applicant
Address of the applicant or association
Contact details ( email and telephone) for inquiries and information
Account number (IBAN)

Information about volunteering and the project

Applicants are asked to briefly describe the objectives of their association or initiative.
This should make it clear that this is voluntary work. It must be stated which project is to be supported with the volunteer budget and what the money is specifically needed for.
The estimated costs associated with the project described must be stated.
And of course you also have to choose whether you are applying for a grant of 200 euros or 500 euros.