direct line
Contacts for decision makers
People like to talk about vitamin B when it comes to achieving your own goals through good relationships. In fact, good connections to decision-makers and supporters can be decisive for the success of investments, projects and plans of all kinds. We don't want you to have to search far. This page provides you with the most important contacts at a glance. In the district of Görlitz, the business development agencies of the district and the municipalities are the most competent contacts for local economic commitment.
The two offices of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Görlitz district handicraft association, the Wirtschaftsjunioren, the Bautzen employment agency and the Görlitz district job center are also important partners in the regional economy. Projects to secure and recruit skilled workers are funded by the regional skilled workers alliance of the district of Görlitz with an annual budget. Applications can be submitted at the beginning of each year. The district's specialist coordinator is available to support potential applicants.

Business associations in the Görlitz district
General Business Association
Zittau and the surrounding area e. V.
Frauenstraße 21
02763 Zittau
Email: info@unternehmenverband-auv.de
Web: https://unternehmenverband-auv.de

General Entrepreneurs' Association
Görlitz and the surrounding area
Commercial Association of Görlitz 1830 eV
Mühlweg 1
02826 Görlitz
Email: info@auv-goerlitz.de
Web: https://auv-goerlitz.de

Lower Silesia Entrepreneurs' Association
c/o Niesky City Administration
Muskauer Straße 20-22
02906 Niesky
Email: info@uv-niederschlesien.de
Web: https://www.uv-niederschlesien.de

Maren Molch | Telephone: 03581 663 9436 fachkraefte@kreis-gr.de

Application Forms and Submission
The complete documents must be submitted to the regional skilled workers alliance of the Görlitz district.
Görlitz District Office, Department for Structural Development, Economic Development and International Relations for the attention of Thomas Tamme , Bahnhofstraße 24, 02826 Görlitz

Home for skilled workers
Skilled workers strategy 2030 for the Free State of Saxony
Projects relevant to the business and knowledge location that can be assigned to one of the following regional priority areas are eligible for funding:
Attention: Restrictions on investment expenditure, no recruiting and foreign costs, no qualification, no career orientation measures, no aid of any kind

Maren Molch - specialist coordinator
phone number
+49 (0) 3581 663 9436